Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

Attending this past Sunday Anticipated Mass, I noticed a mother with her daughter, about 5 years of age, sitting a few pews ahead of me. Before Mass began, the mother and daughter drew close to one another, exchanged whispers and each time the mother would end her whisper with a gentle kiss on her daughters forehead. What a lovely gesture I thought as

a faint smile crossed my lips remembering my son at that age.

About ten minutes into Mass, I noticed the little girl had fallen asleep and continued her slumber throughout the Mass. As the music was fading at the end of Mass, I was fascinated and watched the mother gently rouse her sleeping child. As the little girl awoke, I could see she was resistant to waking. The mother, ever tender, took her time and allowed the little one the time needed to awaken from her slumber. After a bit, the little girl was somewhat awake and they again exchanged whispers, a final kiss to the forehead and the mother tenderly lifted her daughter into her arms as the sleepyhead wrapped her arms and legs around and lay her head on mom’s shoulder as they walked out of Church. I sat in the pew for a few moments contemplating the beautiful moment between mother and child I had the pleasure to witness and I felt the warmth of the unconditional love that mother bestowed on her daughter.

I told my now 22 year old son what I witnessed in Church and said, “I remember when you were that age.” Then I jokingly said with a straight face, “lets snuggle for old time sake.” He looked at me half seriously and said, “ahhh, no dad. Thanks. no!” He turned to go, stopped, turned back and gave me a light punch on the arm. That punch said it all. Unconditional love between father and son.

That is what God desires for us. His unconditional love. A love so gentle and loving, all we need to do is, repent. Confess our sins to be redeemed with the grace of Jesus then, turn to Him and say Abba, Father. Then, open our arms wide and allow ourselves to be open to all the unconditional love God desirers to give us. So easy, but why do we choose to keep ourselves so far from God’s love? Turn back, with arms wide open.


1 thought on “Unconditional Love

  1. Beautiful story Billy! Yes, those moments are so special. I’m very blessed in that my 20 year old son still welcomes me home with a gentle kiss on both cheeks, often followed by a warm hug. It will never get old. Thank you, Jesus, for blessing me with this wonderful son!

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