Category Archives: Father’s Love

Sacrificial Love Of The Father


A man finding his betrothed already with child by another, was planning on leaving her. He went ballistic on Facebook, Twitter and other social media shaming and humiliating her in every way possible. The perfect way to seek his revenge and the perfect way for him to save face.

Wait, this story is

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Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

Attending this past Sunday Anticipated Mass, I noticed a mother with her daughter, about 5 years of age, sitting a few pews ahead of me. Before Mass began, the mother and daughter drew close to one another, exchanged whispers and each time the mother would end her whisper with a gentle kiss on her daughters forehead. What a lovely gesture I thought as

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A Father’s Love

Father's Day

I was visiting my father in Florida a few years ago, and one afternoon we were having lunch. Our conversation touched on many subjects and then turned to religion. He said, “I’m not sure if I ever told you,” and he began relating a story back when I was about seven years old.

My father has worked in various aspects of the car business for most of his life. One day he was under the hood of a car, working on the engine when it backfired and shot flames out of the carburetor and he caught fire.

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